Make Your App Global and More Engaging with Locize in 10 Easy Steps!


Clean desk

Software companies and developers nowadays are aiming at the exact same goal, Which is to make their apps, website and software stand out and be used by millions of users!

Translation is that which transforms everything so that nothing changes. -Günter Grass

Struggling to make your digital product global? We've got you covered!


Software companies and developers nowadays are aiming at the exact same goal, Which is to make their apps, website and software stand out and be used by millions of users!

UX (USER EXPERIENCE) is a big factor to achieve that goal, such as languages and well-matched translation. With that being said, Today we will introduce to you Locize as a perfect way to make your digital products worldwide and vibrant!

Visit and create a user account


Add a new project:

Add new project

Creating Json File

Code snippetWe should create a default namespace on Locize and instead of creating multiple ones we will create our namespace in the JSON file.

The JSON file will translate to 'landingpage.title', 'landingpage.subtitle' objects, the paragraph key with the array is something to keep in mind.

Locize will translate it to 'landingpage.paragraph.0' for the element in the array when importing the JSON file inside the locize app.

We could also create it using the locize frontend, but consider creating your namespace by separating the translation variable key with periods. Like the locize translation of the JSON file, landingpage.title.

Add Translation Object

Screenshot from LocizeUnder the Focus tab, make sure the version (latest), source language (sv-SE) and namespace (default) is selected. Click the add button and add your first translation object or you could import a JSON file.

hit the save button

Add Other Languages

After the source language translation keys and values are all in place you can start adding other languages:

ControlCenter → settings → languages

Screenshot from Locize
Add Translation

Next, go back to the focus tab and instead of picking our source language at the top, we can pick the new language that we just added.

You can still see all the keys that we added to our source language. Click on one of them and you will see the source language text and an empty box where you can type the translation.

 hit the save button

Screenshot from Locize

Implement to Your React/Next.js Project

Run the following commands to install the required libraries!

Code snippet

Start by Creating locizeBackendOptions Object

Code snippet

projectId & apiKey:

You have your project id on the controlCenter page:

Settings ⇒ API Keys ⇒ (projectId, apiKey)

Screenshot from Locize

Screenshot from LocizeReferenceLng: Should be the source language, in this example, it would be sv-SE

Screenshot from Locize

initialize i18next with Locize, react-i18next and LanguageDetector

You should have a default namespace created in the ControlCenter, for both ns and deafaultNS let's stick to one 'default'.

Screenshot from Locizeafter initializing use change language and select the source language. LanguageDetector should hopefully fix that for us in some way or another but for now... this works

Code snippet

Use the translation you have created on Locize in your app

Code snippet

Code snippet


That's it for Locize blog post, make sure to try it and benefit from its huge value in order to boost up your user experience. Any questions or suggestions get in touch by email or Instagram DMs.

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